Leadership plays a critical role in driving agile transformation in an organization. Leaders need to understand and embrace the agile mindset to lead their teams effectively. They need to provide a clear vision, support, and resources for the agile transformation to be successful ³.
Some of the key roles of leadership in agile transformation include:
1. Establishing high-performing teams
2. Shaping the environment
3. Coaching people and teams ¹
4. Communicating the vision and benefits of agile transformation to the organization ³
5. Leading by example by modeling the agile mindset and behavior ³
6. Building a culture of trust and empowerment ³
7. Investing in training and coaching ³
8. Measuring progress and celebrating success ³
(1) Agile Transformation: The Role of Leadership in Driving Change – LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/agile-transformation-role-leadership-driving-change.
(2) Agile Leader Role During an Agile Transformation. https://www.business2community.com/strategy/agile-leader-role-during-an-agile-transformation-02294817.
(3) Transformation starts with agile leadership | McKinsey. https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/leading-agile-transformation-the-new-capabilities-leaders-need-to-build-21st-century-organizations.
(4) Who Is Responsible in Agile Transformation? – LeadingAgile. https://www.leadingagile.com/2022/09/who-is-responsible-in-agile-transformation/.
(5) The role of leadership in Agile transformation – LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/role-leadership-agile-transformation.