Putting Scrum and Agile in to practice

Individual coaching

Organisational coaching

Expert Workshops

Team coaching

Expert Workshops

Apart from the typical agile and Scrum practices, extra workshops may be needed to help advance the organisation towards its goals.

A large variety of workshops are possible, like :

OKR workshops in order to come to consistent and qualitative Objectives and Key Results.

360° Feedback workshops in order for team members to give feedback to one another in a constructive and respectful way.

One of the Retrospective action items worked out in a specific workshop.

World Café and Lean Coffee to streamline processes or find new opportunities to improve.

Road Map and Planning workshops to define Quarterly planning or to align with other teams.

Discovery workshops to define the scope of future Road maps.

Individual Coaching

One to one coaching helps to zoom in on team members emotions and well being within the team. In a confential environment the team member can spreak freely, ask for advice or just have a soundig board from someone who really listens.

Team Coaching

This if mostly a temporary activity where the coach steps in to follow up closely, give advice or trains/coaches the teams in orde to improve the process or by implementing new frameworks.

It is important that the team is still in the driving seat to decide which way to proceed. Following activities are possible :

-Mentor : mentoring the team or individual team members, meaning transferring knowledge to the team

-Coach : coaching on behaviour or best practices

-Train : train the individual, team or organisation in certain areas like Kanban, Scrum...

-Facilitator : facilitate and organise meetings or workshops

-Change Agent : discuss with the team how certain changes can be implemented

Organisational coaching

-Mentor : mentoring management or senior management

-Coach : coaching on behaviour or best practices organsation wide

-Train : train the members of the organisation in certain areas like Kanban, Scrum...

-Facilitator : facilitate and organise meetings or workshops in the organisation

-Change Agent : discuss with senior management how certain changes can be implemented